Tue 29 Oct 2024 26 Rabi' al-thani 1446
Product Details

Unemployment Financial Assistance

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Job Seekers

Unemployment financial assistance program aims to support job seekers by providing a declining financial subsidy starting from SR 2,000 for (15) months. The program also includes a wide range of employment and training services to help users to obtain jobs. 
The program targets job seekers who are planning to join the labor market in the first two years of completing their education or their training, as well as those who have resigned or left their work for more than two years.

  1. Login to HRDF portal
  2. Create an account on the electronic services of the HRDF
  3. Choose the "Job Search Subsidy" program from the Our Programs field


  • To be a Saudi national.
  • To be a resident in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • To be able to work and serious in searching for a job.
  • Ages must be between (20 – 40) years
  • Not to be an employee in the public or private sectors.
  • Not receiving any payment or unemployment assistance.
  • Not receiving any pension from the social insurance
  • Not to be a student or trainee at any education or training levels. 
  • Not having a commercial activity.
  • The monthly income or personal wealth of the applicant and his family should not be higher than the eligibility limit set for receiving the financial assistance.
  • The applicant should not have received financial assistance before from unemployment financial assistance programs or from the funds designated for supporting the difficulty of finding a job, however, the previous applicant can be eligible provided that the previous and subsequent financial assistance period shall not exceed the current assistance period by fifteen months. 

When applying for the program, income information is added. If there is no income from the specified sources in the application, a zero amount is added.

The data of the non-Saudi/non-Gulf wife or husband must be added, and the screen allows adding the residence ID number of the beginner's resident by 2 within the family data. Also, adding the ID number of Gulf family members is allowed.

If the training program exceeds three months, it affects eligibility for the job search assistance program.

You can follow the steps below to view the tasks assigned to you:

  • Log in to your account on the e-services of HRDF.
    Select "Our Programs."
  • Click on "Tasks to be Completed" to view the tasks.
    Note: Some tasks may contain links, please click on "Click Here" in the "Actions" section to begin executing the task.

This is due to one of the following cases:

  • The applicant is unable to work (deceased - incarcerated).
  • Existence of workers under the sponsorship of the applicant, qualified beneficiary, or beneficiary, except parents, spouse, and children.
  • Being a military employee.
  • Being outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for more than two months during the 12 months before applying.

Yes, the system assists by correlating certain fields based on your previous inputs.

Yes, the system displays error messages before submission and provides guidance on how to correct the inputs.

Yes, the system displays guidance messages on how to correct inputs.

The system provides the option to preview the request before submission in certain transactions.

Yes, some of your personal data is retrieved from the National Information Center.

Yes, the user is informed about the actions taken on their request and guided on how to successfully complete the request.

Yes, the system sends messages and notifications confirming successful completion through various means.

Yes, you can access previous transactions, review job advertisement lists, and view your support tickets.

Yes, this is possible by clicking the 'Save as Draft' option, allowing you to return to the entered data later and complete the procedures.

Yes, you can edit the information you entered while building your profile. Information retrieved from the National Information Center can be edited through the access platform.

You can access your profile by browsing the main menu of services, then clicking on 'Profile.' This will provide you with options to manage your account, select settings, and preferences.

A condition that 24 months have passed from the date of completion of the training, which means the training units of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC)

Violations are not counted in the new application

Yes, opening an online store account affects the beneficiary's eligibility in the program.

Yes, it affects the eligibility of the beneficiary in the program.

No bank is entitled to withhold the amount of the financial aid for the beneficiary of the job search subsidy program.

Yes, agricultural supports stop the disbursement of the Unemployment Financial Assistance.

Yes, it affects eligibility according to the eligibility conditions approved in the program, and it is possible to re-apply to the program and complete the remaining payments of the program after completing the study

An objection can be submitted within 60 days from the date of the violation with the addition of a copy of the certificate of completion of the volunteer work that was assigned during the period of the assignment.

As a beneficiary, you are required to complete the volunteer work hours within 60 days from the date the task was assigned. Please note that if you receive a notification indicating that the task is still active, even though you have completed the volunteer work hours, this does not mean the task is incomplete. The status of the task will automatically change from ‘active’ to ‘inactive’ after the 60-day deadline has passed. Issuing the certificate via national volunteer portal as proof of the completion of the assigned task.

 A warning and reduction of the support value of 200 riyals is calculated for each time the beneficiary is not accepted for the volunteer work opportunities or in the case of failure to apply for the opportunities.

The beneficiary will be notified through e-mail or his profile on the e-services of HRDF.

The completion of volunteer work hours is one of the beneficiary's obligations in the program, and aims to enhance your skills and help you find work.

The beneficiary can complete the volunteer work hours in person or remotely, according to the opportunities available on the platform.

Only hours completed through the National Platform for Volunteer Work are accepted.

Opportunities are available on the National Platform for Volunteer Work, according to the availability of public and non-profit sectors.

The beneficiary must complete the available volunteer work hours on the National Volunteering Platform or by applying to volunteering entities licensed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, taking into consideration the issuance of a volunteering certificate through the National Volunteering Platform to verify the beneficiary's completion of the assigned hours.

The task is assigned after completing the disbursement of 7 payments to the beneficiary of the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program.

The number of voluntary work hours required to be performed is determined when the task is assigned to the beneficiary, and its minimum is 4 volunteer hours during the task assignment period.

The beneficiary of the program, who has been assigned a voluntary work task, must complete documented voluntary work hours through the national platform for volunteer work by entering the National Platform for Volunteer Work

Click here to view 

Log in to the e-services of  HRDF, and go to the "Complaints" page, where you can create and manage your complaints and view the history of the complaints you have submitted. You can follow up on your complaints by viewing the status of the complaint and also closing any complaint or appending it to documents related to any existing complaint. 

The fund will study the objection and then notify the applicant of the result of acceptance or rejection within (60) days as a maximum.

The customer has the right to raise an objection if he receives a warning or is excluded from the program within (60) days from the date of receiving the warning / exclusion.

He can submit an objection through the e-services of HRDF, and his objection will be considered and the validity of what was mentioned will be verified.

To be able to enter the course, you must enter at the same time it is sent, as it is a live session.  

Completing the questionnaire is optional, not mandatory.

The beneficiary's attendance is confirmed by recording the correct data before the start of the course without the need for the national identity number field in the questionnaire.

The time in the notification sent is the correct time, the time shown in the course site is GST and the local time corresponding to the sender in the notification appears next to it. 

Notifications are sent to the program's beneficiaries with the dates of the interactive training through e-mail or an announcement in the beneficiary's profile on e-services of HRDF, and the beneficiary must follow up the profile and e-mail periodically to implement the tasks and obligations of the program.

Registration for the courses will be closed after the trainer starts training, and it is not possible to register after that. 

  • Attending the training course on time and before the trainer starts training.
  • Recording data correctly to prove attendance (national ID number - name - email)
  • Attending the full training time.

It is not possible to apologize for attending the training courses or to reschedule them as they are among the tasks and obligations required in the program, noting that withdrawal from the program is available in the event that the beneficiary is not ready to carry out the tasks required and in this case he can re-apply to the program later according to the procedures and conditions.

Attendance is mandatory for program beneficiaries for the entire training time, as failure to attend or attend part of the training will result in a warning for the beneficiary, and if he reaches the maximum number of warnings, he will be excluded from the program. 

Yes, notifications will be sent to the beneficiaries of the program through e-mail or an announcement in the personal files of the beneficiaries on e-services of HRDF or through text messages or any other means specified by the Fund. 

There are no certificates, as training courses are one of the obligations and tasks required of program beneficiaries.

The training courses are set during the official working days, three to four courses are set per week and the duration of each training course is one hour. 

The interactive training is directed to all job seekers on the e-services of HRDF and beneficiaries of the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program.

Remote interactive training sessions directed to the program beneficiaries aiming to contribute to the development of their skills to help them find work and are provided via live broadcast through an electronic platform.

Responding to communication is mandatory, as failure to respond to communication attempts leads to receiving a warning (a warning for each attempt that was not responded to) and exclusion from the Fund’s programs and services in case the maximum limit of warnings is reached. 

3 times on 3 different days and at different times. 

Yes, the invitation will be sent to the beneficiaries via e-mail, well in advance. 

Communication takes place during official working days, and the job seeker is notified in advance of the date of communication.

Remote career guidance is directed to job seekers registered on the e-services of  HRDF, including beneficiaries of the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program. 

It is an initiative for remote career guidance that contributes to supporting students, job seekers, and employees to form a comprehensive picture of the labor market, by helping them know their academic and professional tendencies, and preparing them to join their field of interest, in order to contribute to raising the success and development index for individuals and achieving professional and academic compatibility.

Warnings are calculated to include the following cases (absentees - non-completes - not exceeding the passing percentage - completion of training after the scheduled completion period)

Tasks are set by sending training links via the e-mail registered on the e-services of HRDF, in addition to the notification via the pop-up window on thee-services of HRDF.

The deduction continues for the beneficiary for two months because there is a warning in the program (and in case of obtaining a new warning, the deduction continues)

The qualification of those enrolled in the support is delayed when any warnings are issued during the period, which causes a recalculation of the verification period and a prolongation of the enrollment period or exclusion from the program when the maximum limit of warnings is reached, and there is no difference regarding the date of issuance of the warning.

The date of exclusion can be viewed by visiting the program page by entering the Our Programs tab, then selecting Unemployment Financial Assistance Program. 

The warning is calculated after changing the status from applicant to enrolled, which is a period for assessing the seriousness of the job seeker.

It is possible to apply for the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program after (12) months have passed from the date of exclusion, in case the disbursement period for the two programs does not exceed (15) months. The link lets you view the conditions for applying to the new Unemployment Financial Assistance Program.

For the applicant, the seriousness assessment period is recalculated upon receiving a warning, and exclusion from the program occurs upon receiving three warnings.
For the qualified, an amount of SAR 200 is deducted from the value of the support each time upon receiving a warning, and exclusion from the program takes place when three warnings are received.

Notices will be sent to the program beneficiaries through e-mail or an advertisement in the personal files of the beneficiaries on the e-services of HRDF or any other means specified by the fund.

Logging in to the e- services of HRDF and reviewing the tasks and duties is considered a weekly login.

The weekly login to the electronic file is done once a week, and exclusion from the program is done after obtaining three violations.

A fine will be issued to the job seeker if he does not comply with the following:

  • Failure to respond to the Fund's communication with any means of communication
  • Failure to complete the weekly login on the personal page of the program
  • Failure to attend rehabilitation, training or employment services
  • Failure to attend appointments at employment centers
  • Failure to attend the specified times for the interactive training sessions
  • Failure to attend the specified dates for the electronic training sessions
  • Failure to do volunteer hours or community service tasks
  • Failure to attend personal interview appointments
  • Not accepting suitable job offers
  • Failure to carry out the tasks required by the fund in order to assist in obtaining a job.

You can cancel the application and re-apply to the program again, bearing in mind that in case of cancellation of the application, the procedure will be calculated 24 months from the date of completion of the education and training based on the date of submission of the new application and not the date of the cancelled application.

It is possible to re-apply to the program in case the status of the application is rejected or canceled, but in case of ineligibility, it is necessary to wait for a period of (6) months to re-apply.

Log in to your account using the e-services of HRDF and click View Program Details.

According to the conditions of eligibility in the program, the job seeker must be able to work and seriously search for it. The obligations of the program included attending the fund to obtain employment services.

You can join the employment services through one of the Fund's branches or centers located in all thirteen administrative regions and you can identify their locations by visiting the Fund's website.

You can create your own national address through the Saudi Postal Service, then apply for the program.

The applicant must provide the fund with all the necessary data, documents and papers (qualification - experience, if any) to ensure the correct completion of the application process.

The application icon is disabled for those who do not meet the eligibility criteria or for those who have not completed the required periods to reapply for the program. You can find out the reason for not activating the icon after visiting the personal page on the e-services of HRDF.

The bank account IBAN number entered by the customer is verified instantly.

The beneficiary must wait two months from the date of withdrawal.

Applications to both programs have been discontinued, and you can apply to the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program if you meet the eligibility requirements for the program. 

Preserving the rights of all concerned parties (the fund - the job seeker), and it entails informing the beneficiary of the eligibility conditions for the program and the obligations required, and then signing the electronic agreement by entering the code sent to the mobile number. The application will not be accepted if the agreement is not signed.

It is an agreement between the Fund and the job seeker that specifies the responsibilities and obligations required of the job seeker during the period of benefiting from the Unemployment Financial Assistance provided by the Fund.

After verifying that the eligibility conditions are met, the status of the application is converted to (enrolled) in the program, and the job seeker is committed, during the seriousness assessment period specified in (60) days, to the obligations required in the program without receiving warnings, the status of the application will be converted to (qualified), then the support will be disbursed, and the provision of rehabilitation, training, or employment services will continue.

  • Applying for the program is done by accessing the Human Resources Development fund website and following the instructions available on the website.
  • The application should be submitted considering one of the following two periods:
  • Before the end of the training or education period by (24) months.
    After the end of the work period by (24) months for those who have previously worked.
  • The job seeker's application is studied to verify their eligibility conditions, and they are notified of the response within 60 days from the date of the last action completed in the application. The job seeker must provide all the data, documents, and papers requested by the fund and comply with all the instructions issued by the fund during the application review period.
  • The job seeker should join the recruitment services if they do not have a job offer in the recruitment services.

Yes, it is possible, and payments for the Unemployment Financial Assistance will be stopped if the job seeker joins any of these programs in accordance with its conditions and support mechanisms.

Eligibility results appear from the 2 to 4 of every calendar month

Program payments are deposited on the fifth day of every calendar month.

In case the sum of the payments previously received for the Incentive Job Search Program and the Incentive Difficulty Finding Employment Incentive Program equals or exceeds (15) payments, you cannot apply for the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program.

The amounts that the applicant receives due to disability are not considered as part of the monthly income in the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program, and therefore they will not be deducted from the support value in the program.

You can benefit from the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program after visiting one of the employment channels (branches/centers) and submitting a request to activate the account in employment services. For more information, you can view the policy for verifying the seriousness of job seekers.

It is not possible to apply for the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program because you are excluded from the employment services because of receiving three warnings. It is necessary to wait for a period of (12) months from the date of exclusion and for more information, you can view the policy for verifying the seriousness of job seekers.

The identity number of the deceased father or deceased mother is added according to the family record data, regardless of the identity status.

  1. Entering Marital Status
  2. Choose the number of family members (1-15 or more), including all family members living with the applicant, excluding the applicant.
  3. If the applicant is registered as an orphan with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, select the option "Orphans registered with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development." If this option is selected, the system does not require the applicant to enter family members.

Completing Data Entry as Follows:

Married Applicant:
Data required at the time of application:

  • Spouse's nationality, National ID/Residence Permit number of the spouse, birthdate in Hijri calendar, relationship (husband/wife), type of occupation (employer/merchant/self-employed, government employee, private sector employee, retired, unemployed).

Unmarried Applicant:
Data required at the time of application:

  • Applicant's nationality, National ID/Residence Permit number of the deceased father, birthdate in Hijri calendar, relationship (father/deceased father), type of occupation (employer/merchant/self-employed, government employee, private sector employee, retired, unemployed).
  • National ID/Residence Permit number of the deceased mother, birthdate in Hijri calendar, relationship (mother/deceased mother), type of occupation (employer/merchant/self-employed, government employee, private sector employee, retired, unemployed).
  • Note: If selecting deceased father or deceased mother, the system does not require the applicant to select "type of occupation."

Applicant Registered as an Orphan with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development:
No need to add family members.

It is possible to add the data of non-Saudi family members upon registration in the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program.

  • For married individuals, the income of the husband or wife is taken into account.


  • For unmarried individuals, the income of the parents or one of them is taken into account.


  • For orphans registered with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, the option to apply is available without the need to add family members.

It is possible to re-apply according to the program’s procedures and to enter the family members’ data correctly.

It is possible to access the personal account in the e-services of HRDF and update the data of family members.

You can log into your account in the e-services of HRDF and update your family members' information.

The limit to obtaining the support is the applicant's availability of income equivalent to or greater than the value of the benefit in the program.

The average monthly income of the applicant is calculated after collecting all amounts of the individual’s income, whether from the Public Pension Agency or Social Insurance, and what has been disclosed, and dividing it by 12 months to verify the result of the applicant’s average monthly income if it is greater than or equal to the support amount.

The family income is not deducted from the support value, only the value of what is disclosed from the individual's income is deducted.

The purpose of relying on the family income in determining the eligibility of the applicant is to direct the financial support to the category most in need of support, and the category that is not eligible for the support can benefit from the training and employment services provided by the fund. 

The income limit is calculated based on the number of family members for the applicant, the income of the husband or wife for the married, and the income of one or both parents for the unmarried, through which the individual’s eligibility for obtaining the support is measured, and the income limit increases with the increase in the number of family members. To view the income limit schedule, you can visit the TAQAT website.
Table of monthly income limit preventing obtaining the support 

To family members

preventive limi





























15 فأكثر


The family income limit will be relied upon when applying to the program to determine whether the individual is from a qualified family eligible for support or not.

Yes, it is counted within the fixed income that is required to be disclosed.

Customers can apply for the Job Search Assistance Program immediately after completing the training period in the Graduate Development Program "Tamheer."

The application is studied and the applicant is notified of the result within a period of (60) days from the date of completing the application procedure.

The applicant shall complete the seriousness assessment period of (60) days without violating any of his required obligations.

The applicant has to spend a period of (60) days without violating any of his obligations required in the program, and the seriousness assessment period is recalculated every time he gets a warning and if he exceeds the maximum limit of the warnings, he shall be excluded from the program. Moreover, he shall not be allowed to apply again until one year has passed from the date of exclusion. 

  • Received job search allowance for (15) months, and the specified period has been exhausted.
  • The applicant is currently benefiting from the "Tameer" Graduate Development Program.
  • Less than three months have passed since the applicant's exclusion from the "Tameer" Graduate Development Program.
  • Less than two months have passed since the applicant withdrew from the "Tameer" Graduate Development Program.
  • The total fixed income and violations of the applicant exceed or equal the financial assistance amount for the program.
  • The applicant owns a facility or is employed in the private sector.
  • The applicant benefits from the unemployment insurance program (SANAD).
  • The applicant is employed in the public sector.
  • The applicant is undergoing training in a program lasting more than (3) months.
  • The applicant is a student.
  • The applicant is a university student on scholarship.
  • The applicant is a university student studying abroad at their own expense.
  • The applicant is unable to work according to social security data.
  • The applicant is unable to work according to social welfare data.
  • The applicant receives a pension from social security.
  • The applicant has a commercial registration.
  • The applicant receives a retirement pension.
  • The applicant is a school student.
  • The applicant is undergoing training in a program lasting more than (3) months according to Human Resources Development Fund data.
  • The applicant has a municipal license.
  • The applicant is a professional athlete in a club.
  • The applicant has a permit according to Ministry of Transport data.
  • The applicant has an active lawyer license.
  • The applicant is training at a law firm.
  • The applicant is undergoing training in a program affiliated with SABIC lasting more than (3) months.
  • The applicant has agricultural activity.
  • The applicant receives an imam or muezzin allowance.
  • The applicant does not have a valid bank account for more than (4) months.
  • The Hijri age of the applicant does not fall within the specified age category.
  • The applicant is unable to work.
  • Failure to complete the necessary period before application allows for submission for those who have studied or trained within (24) months from the end date of study.
  • Failure to complete the necessary period before application allows for submission for those who have worked after (24) months from the end date of employment.
  • The applicant is not qualified for employment services according to the seriousness verification policy of job seekers.
  • The applicant is excluded from employment services according to the seriousness verification policy of job seekers.
  • The statutory exclusion period of (12) months has not elapsed from the date of exclusion.
  • The statutory exclusion period of two months has not elapsed from the withdrawal date.
  • Personal information regarding region and city is unavailable.
  • The email address is incorrect.
  • Personal information regarding education is unavailable.

It is the period for assessing the seriousness of the job seeker, which the applicant spends in carrying out the obligations required, and its duration is (60) days.

  • Applicant: An applicant for a Unemployment Financial Assistance Program and verification of eligibility requirements is underway.
  • enrolled: The period of verification of seriousness, during which the commitment of the job seeker to carry out all the tasks required of him is verified during (60) days
  • Eligible: To whom the financial assistance is paid
  •  withdrawn: Withdrawal of the enrolled or qualified person from the program, and it is not possible to re-apply until after two
  •  Excluded: Reaching the maximum limit of warnings / violations, and it is not possible to re-apply until (12) months have passed from the date of exclusion
  • not qualified: The applicant does not meet the conditions for eligibility for the program, and it is not possible to re-apply until (6) months have passed from the date of the last application
  • Pending until the verification of the data: Waiting for data from third party, data providers.
  • Rejected: The application was rejected because the job seeker did not join the employment services.

Beneficiaries of the Rural Support Program are classified as practicing commercial activity, and according to the executive regulations of the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program, the eligibility of clients is affected.
The categories included in the commercial activity are shown below, for example, according to the regulations:

  • Owning a sole proprietorship or a one-person company to practice any commercial, industrial, agricultural, service, professional, or similar activities.
  • Obtaining a license to open a shop or office to practice any commercial, industrial, agricultural, service, professional or similar activities.
  • E-commerce - in whole or in part - by electronic means.
  • Partners in any type of company.
  •  Everyone who has income from a private activity.


The applicant must take into account the following periods for applying to the program:

  • Before the lapse of 24 months from the date of the end of the study or training in any of the education or training stages.
  • After the lapse of 24 months from the date of termination of the employment relationship.

 If one of these periods is available, you can apply for Unemployment Financial Assistance Program

It does not contradict.

Yes, it is possible to benefit from the program, but the payments of Unemployment Financial Assistance Program will be stopped after joining the program, as the support provided in this program aims to find a job opportunity for the beneficiary.

In the event of obtaining a self-employment document, the applicant becomes ineligible for the support, and in the event of obtaining a license to open a shop or office to practice any commercial, industrial, agricultural, service, professional, or similar activities, this is considered a commercial activity, and therefore the applicant becomes not eligible for the assistance.

The issuance of a professional license does not prevent benefiting from the Unemployment Financial Assistance Program unless it is related to the practice of a commercial activity and the issuance of a commercial license or register.

The commercial activity includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Owning a sole proprietorship or a one-person company to practice any commercial, industrial, agricultural, service, professional, or similar activities.
  • Obtaining a license to open a shop or office to practice any commercial, industrial, agricultural, service, professional or similar activities.
  •  E-commerce - in whole or in part - by electronic means.
  • Partners in any type of company.
  • Everyone who has income from a private activity.

There is no waiting period after the completion of SANED to apply for the Unemployment Financial Assistance program, provided that the applicant has spent 24 months from the date of the last work.

According to the program’s conditions of eligibility, the beneficiaries of "Saned" unemployment system cannot apply for the Unemployment Financial Assistance program.

Borrowing from the social financing programs at the Social Development Bank does not prevent benefiting from the assistance for the Unemployment Financial Assistance program. As for borrowing to practice a commercial activity, will stop the disbursement of the assistance to the beneficiary.

According to the eligibility criteria in the program, individuals receiving a pension from social security or registered as dependents of a household head are considered ineligible for the program. For inquiries regarding social security, please contact the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.

According to the program’s conditions of eligibility, whoever receives a retirement pension from the Public Pension Agency or Social Insurance Agency is considered ineligible for the program.

According to the program’s conditions of eligibility, it is allowed to apply for the age group from 20-40, and those who fall outside this age group can benefit from the employment services provided by HRDF by visiting the national labor gateway or by going to the centers and branches.

In accordance with the program's procedures, those who previously worked cannot benefit from the program until 24 months have passed since they ended their employment relationship (termination of service - end of contract - resignation ... etc.), and you can benefit from the employment services provided by HRDF by visiting the e-services of HRDF or by going to centers and branches

If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can contact the party that denies eligibility to update the case and then raise an objection and attach evidence that proves the validity of the objection.

Fresh graduates can apply to the program 24 months before the end of the study date.

  • For those who have previously received education or training, the application must be submitted within 24 months from the date of completion of education or training
  • The application must be submitted 24 months after the termination of employment for those who have previously worked.

The applicant must have lived in Saudi Arabia for at least 10 months in the year prior to submitting his application. To remain eligible for the program, the applicant must also have lived in Saudi Arabia for at least 10 months in the year preceding the seriousness assessment. The beneficiary should also be a resident for at least 10 months during the period during which assistance is disbursed.

Yes, it is a procedure contrary to the organization and conditions of the program, whereby the disbursement of the assistance will be stopped if HRDF finds that the beneficiary has sought the assistance of a person other than him to access his electronic file or carry out the obligations required on his behalf, and the HRDF has the right to recover the assistance from the beneficiary in this case according to Paragraph (3) of Article Ninth of the conditions, and the beneficiary in this case may not submit another application to benefit from the assistance. The beneficiary shall also bear any legal consequences of disclosing his personal data to any third party.

You can join the employment services by going to one of the HRDF's branches or centers located in the thirteen administrative regions, and its locations can be identified by visiting the HRDF's website www.hrdf.org.sa

The (enrolled) will be notified via e-mail of the procedure for joining employment services during the 60-day seriousness assessment period when the eligibility status is changed from (applied) to (enrolled).

In case of expiry of the period of seriousness assessment and failure to join the employment services at one of HRDF’s branches or centers, the application will be rejected. 

The (enrolled) must pass the 60-day seriousness assessment period and perform all the tasks and obligations required of him and in case he does not receive warnings during the period of seriousness assessment and joining the employment services, and he continues to meet the conditions of eligibility, the assistance will begin to be disbursed after this period.

Eligibility is verified within 60 days from the date of completion of the application procedure, then the applicant is notified of the eligibility result in the period from the 24th of each month.

Eligibility is verified through data sources in government authorities, and the applicant must ensure that the data of the end date of education or training at the education or training authority is correct before applying to the program. 

Eligibility is verified through data sources in government authorities, and the applicant must ensure that the data of the end date of education or training at the education or training authority is correct before applying to the program. 

The non-lapse of 24 months is considered as a procedure when applying to the program, and the disbursement is not stopped after two years have passed from the date of graduation while benefiting from the program as long as the status continues to be qualified according to the eligibility conditions.

In case you have previously benefited from the job search incentive, the job search difficulty incentive, or unemployment financial assistance for a number of less than 15 payments, the disbursement will be made to you according to the number of payments remaining to complete 15 payments, and the amount of the assistance will be according to the program mechanism that changes every four months.

  1. Responding to the Fund's communication with any of the means of communication
  2. Weekly entry on the personal page of the program
  3. Attending rehabilitation services or employment services
  4. Attending appointments at employment centers
  5.  Attending scheduled appointments for interactive training sessions
  6. Attending the specified appointments for the electronic training sessions
  7. Carrying out volunteer hours or community service tasks
  8.  Attending appointments for personal interviews
  9. Accepting suitable job offers
  10. Carrying out the tasks required by the Fund in order to assist in obtaining a job.

  1. SAR 2000 per month for a period of (four) months
  2. SAR 1500 per month for a period of (four) months
  3. SAR 1000 per month for a period of (four) months
  4. SAR 750 per month for (three) months

The duration of the Unemployment Financial Assistance is (fifteen) months.

  • Saudi nationality.
  • Permanently residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Able to work and diligently search for it.
  • To be aged from (20-40).
  • Not to be an employee or worker in the public or private sectors.
  • Not to be paid a retirement pension.
  • Not to be paid any allowance or compensation against unemployment.
  • Not to be paid a pension from Social Security.
  •  Not to be a student or trainee at any stage of education or training.
  • Not to have a commercial activity.
  • The monthly income or wealth of the applicant and his family should not exceed the limit that prevents obtaining financial assistance.
  • Not to have previously benefited from the Unemployment Financial Assistance or from the financial allowance due to the difficulty of obtaining a job. The application may be accepted for those who have previously benefited, provided that the previous and subsequent disbursement period does not exceed the specified assistance disbursement period by fifteen months.

  • It aims to support job seekers by providing financial aid distributed at intervals, starting with an amount of SAR 2000 that is reduced gradually over a period of (15) months. The program includes a set of training and employment services to help beneficiaries find work.
  • The program targets job seekers from the category of those entering the labor market within the first two years of completing education or training, and the category of those who have been out of the labor market for a period of more than two years.

Support Mechanism:

The assistance will be disbursed over a period of (15) months, with the support amount distributed as follows:

  • 2000 Saudi Riyals per month for (four) months.
  • 1500 Saudi Riyals per month for (four) months.
  • 1000 Saudi Riyals per month for (four) months.
  • 750 Saudi Riyals per month for (three) months.

Program Policies:

Regulation and Bylaws of the Job Search Assistance Program:

  1. Regulation of job search assistance.
  2. Executive regulations for the regulation of job search assistance.
Launch Date 12/08/2021
Service delivery channels
Language Arabic
Beneficiary Categories The program targets job seekers with ages between 20 – 40 who are planning to join the labor market in the first two years of completing their education or their training, as well as those who have resigned or left their work for more than two years
Stage duration Immediately
Service cost Free
Payment methods Non

Contact Information
Contact number 8001222030
Email info@hrdf.org.sa

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