Tue 29 Oct 2024 26 Rabi' al-thani 1446
Product Details

Directed Transportation Support

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Job Seekers

For workers in the activity of directing passenger vehicles through applications and for job seekers.

The self-employment support program (directed transportation) aims to assist workers in the activity of directing passenger vehicles through applications. It is intended for full-time workers in this activity and job seekers. It is also deemed a result of the cooperation of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, the Public Transport Authority and the Human Resources Development Fund and the Future Work Company. 

The applicant must meet the specific requirements and conditions for "qualifying Saudi individuals and their private vehicles to provide transportation services through vehicle guidance application providers" issued by the General Transport Authority.
The applicant must hold a valid freelance work document for "Vehicle Guidance Driver" through the Freelance.sa portal.
Apply for the support program through the electronic services of the Human Resources Development Fund.

  • The applicant for support must be of Saudi nationality.
  • The applicant for support must have an active (Freelance) document with the job title (Directed Transportation Support) through the Freelance.sa portal, or as determined by the fund and relevant authorities.
  • The applicant must be at least 20 years old and no older than 60 years old.
  • The applicant for support must not be employed in the public or private sector.
  • The applicant for support must not be a retired employee.
  • The applicant for support must not be a regular student or have their own business (commercial registration).
  • The applicant for support in this program must not currently be benefiting from any support programs provided by the Human Resources Development Fund for employment support.

Yes, the system assists by correlating certain fields based on your previous inputs.

Yes, the system displays error messages before submission and provides guidance on how to correct the inputs.

Yes, the system displays guidance messages on how to correct inputs.

The system provides the option to preview the request before submission in certain transactions.

Yes, some of your personal data is retrieved from the National Information Center.

Yes, the user is informed about the actions taken on their request and guided on how to successfully complete the request.

Yes, you can access previous transactions, review job advertisement lists, and view your support tickets.

Yes, this is possible by clicking the 'Save as Draft' option, allowing you to return to the entered data later and complete the procedures.

Yes, you can edit the information you entered while building your profile. Information retrieved from the National Information Center can be edited through the access platform.

You can access your profile by browsing the main menu of services, then clicking on 'Profile.' This will provide you with options to manage your account, select settings, and preferences.

The applicant will be notified of acceptance or rejection through text messages or the e-mail registered in his account on the electronic services of the HRDF.

Yes, The customer can apply again

Incentive support is disbursed to customers every six months as standard courses for beneficiaries in the following months: March 2021, September 2021, March 2022, September 2022 when the worker in this activity achieves a total monthly income of not less than (SAR 5,000) for a period of (6) consecutive months after disbursing the period of each support accordingly, so that the period of work during the peak period is not less than (50%) of the total working hours.

  • Example 1) A customer who achieved 6 consecutive months from November 2020 AD to April 2021 AD, will the support be disbursed to him?
  •  A1 / It won’t, as the next disbursement date is in September 2021 AD, because incentive support disbursement courses are fixed for certain months.
  • Example 2) A customer who has achieved 6 consecutive months, starting from April to September, will the support be disbursed to him? 
  • A2/ The disbursement is made to the customer if he meets the required criteria in conjunction with the date of the second installment of the incentive support.

Submission to support requests will be available throughout the month, and monthly billing will be processed and support amounts will be calculated for support beneficiaries by the end of the (21st) day of every calendar month for new applicants, and support calculations for approved new support requests after the (21st) day of the following month.

Verification is immediate and automatic.

It is required to log in to your electronic services of the HRDF account first before entering the program page.

You can find out the conditions for working in the activity of Ride-Hailing by viewing the activity regulation published on the General Transport Authority website.

In case the beneficiary is excluded from the support due to ineligibility, the customer can apply to the program again, and the remaining period will be calculated.

The beneficiary's eligibility is verified immediately after applying to the program, with the exception of verifying the validity of the IBAN, as previously explained.

You can find out the applications licensed by the Public Transport Authority that are eligible for this program via the Public Transport Authority website, and then register directly with one of these facilities, and there is no need to visit the Public Transport Authority.

No, it is not a condition that the applicant for support obtain funding from the Social Development Bank or others, and he can apply for support as long as he meets the support controls.

The beneficiary supported in this program bears legal responsibility for what may result from benefiting from the support provided in this program and in case it conflicts with any other support programs or government subsidies provided to him, according to what is stipulated in the laws and regulations governing this in those authorities.

The beneficiary supported in this program bears legal responsibility for what may result from benefiting from the support provided in this program and in case it conflicts with any other support programs or government subsidies provided to him, according to what is stipulated in the laws and regulations governing this in those authorities.

Yes, he can, and incentive payments will be stopped after joining the program as the support provided in this program aims to find job opportunities for the beneficiary.

Yes, as the presence of a valid freelance document is required for the disbursement of support in this program.

No, it does not require that. The applicant registers online as a job seeker in the e-services of HRDF. Then, they apply for the Freelance Work Program (directed transport) by obtaining a Freelance Work Document as a "Directed Transport Vehicle Driver" through the Freelance Platform and getting approved in one of the directed transport applications.

He cannot do that, and the IBAN bank account number is required for the beneficiary to accept the support request.

Yes. This link is available through the e- services of the HRDF as well as the freelance portal (Freelance.sa).

The beneficiary can apply through Taqat for the Freelance Support Program (Ride-Hailing).

Yes, it is possible to work through more than one application, provided that the application is affiliated with the establishments licensed by the Public Transport Authority in the activity of Ride-Hailing vehicles and that are qualified for this program.

The beneficiary supported in this program bears legal responsibility for what may result from benefiting from the support provided in this program and in case it conflicts with any other support programs or government subsidies provided to him, according to what is stipulated in the laws and regulations governing this in those authorities.

No, he is not eligible for support in this program, as he is considered a current employee on duty in the establishment whose participation in social insurance has been temporarily suspended.

The support will be disbursed during the period from (25) to (28) of the calendar month following the month of the entitlement period.

The support is disbursed in one payment in the month following the entitlement period by accumulating the number of trips executed and the income achieved by the beneficiary at the level of all application operators - according to the performance reports received from the service operators approved by the Public Transport Authority.

Withdrawing from the support program can be requested through the beneficiary's account on the electronic services of the HRDF.

This can be done through the beneficiary's account on the electronic services of the HRDF.

The program is restricted to Saudi citizens only.

The applicant is excluded from the support if he is one of the following cases:

  1. The beneficiary did not meet the monthly eligibility criteria (not to be an employee in the government or private sector, a regular student, retired or have a business "commercial register").
  2. The beneficiary did not achieve the required performance criteria for (21) trips for a period of (3) consecutive months or (4) separate months.

Yes. Those who have benefited from these programs can benefit from the support of the program, with the exception of the applicant if he is currently supported in the Fund’s other training or employment support programs (employment support, Tamheer).

The support program name is: Freelance Support Program (Ride-Hailing): It is a program provided by the fund according to certain controls, through which it provides financial support that is disbursed to the freelance worker in the Ride-Hailing service through smart phone applications, and the time period for this program and support in it is (24) months starting from the date of launching the program.

The beneficiary supported in this program bears legal responsibility for what may result from benefiting from the support provided in this program and in case it conflicts with any other support programs or government subsidies provided to him, according to what is stipulated in the laws and regulations governing this in those authorities.

The document is renewed through the freelance.sa platform when it expires.

-    The authorized authority is the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development through the Freelance.sa platform, where a request can be submitted to issue a freelance document.

The value of the support amounts to a maximum of (SAR 2,400) according to the total income achieved by the worker in this activity and his commitment to achieving the number (21) trips, in addition to the incentive support of (SAR 3,000) that is paid every (6) months and depends on the continuity of the worker in achieving the required performance requirements.

There is no pause for the program, but the time limits for exclusion from support must not be exceeded, which are: (3) consecutive months or (4) separate months. 

The support will be disbursed through the beneficiary's bank account based on the performance reports received from the service operators approved by the Public Transport Authority and after verifying that the beneficiary has met the support controls by the fund. 

Yes, obtaining support requires registration by the applicant for support in electronic services of the HRDF portal as a job seeker and submitting a request for the support.

The concerned authority is the Human Resources Development Fund.

Applications belonging to establishments licensed by the Public Transport Authority in the activity of Ride-Hailing and that are eligible for this program. A list of applications licensed and eligible for this program can be found on the website of the Public Transport Authority.

There are no fees, the document is issued free of charge.

Yes, among the benefits and incentives provided to holders of freelance documents are:

  • The possibility of opening a (commercial) bank account designated for the freelance category.
  • The possibility of benefiting from the freelance financing product provided by the Social Development Bank (Nafath).
  • Possibility of benefiting from the optional contribution to social insurance.
  • The possibility of benefiting from the benefits, discounts and offers announced in the freelance portal

The document is valid for one year from the date of its issuance.

  1. To be registered as a driver in one of the vehicle Ride-Hailing applications approved by the Public Transport Authority.
  2. Login through the portal site. Freelance.sa
  3. Selecting the ride-hailing category “Register”
  4. Creating a new account.
  5. Activating the Absher account by entering the mobile number in Absher. Obtaining the document with the profession "Ride-hailing vehicle driver".
  6. Issuing and printing the document directly.

No, the driver can work at any time according to the applicable procedures and regulations in order to benefit from the support.

Yes, employees on duty, whether in the private or government sectors, regular students, retired students, or those who have a business cannot apply for the support program.

The support duration is 24 months for the beneficiary for all freelance work tracks.

  1. The applicant must be a Saudi national and hold a valid national identity card.
  2. The applicant’s age should not be less than (20) years and not more than (60) years.
  3. The applicant should not be employed in the government or private sector.
  4. The applicant should not be a regular student.
  5. The applicant should not be retired or have a commercial register.
  6. The applicant should have a correct and valid bank account number (IBAN).
  7. The applicant should have a valid freelance document “driver of a ride-hailing vehicle” through the freelance.sa portal
  8. The applicant must fulfill the requirements and conditions for “Qualifying Saudi individuals and their private vehicles to provide Ride-Hailing service through the vehicle Ride-Hailing applications service provider” issued by the Public Transport Authority.
  9. The applicant for support in this program should not be a current beneficiary of one of the support programs provided by the Human Resources Development Fund to support employment and training.
  10. The commitment of the beneficiary of the support through working to achieve the number of (21) trips.

No, the beneficiary shall be given a chance of (3) consecutive months or (4) separate months and after that period the beneficiary shall be permanently excluded from the program.

  • Disbursement of a monthly support amount to the worker in this activity (Ride-Hailing) at the rate of (40%) of his total monthly income, with a maximum support amount of (SAR 2,400) per month. However, obtaining support requires commitment to achieve the number of (21) trips.
  • Disbursement of incentive support for (SAR 3,000) to the freelancer benefiting from the support every (6) months. In addition, this support aims at achieving occupational stability and increasing productivity when the worker achieves a total monthly income of not less than (SAR 5,000) for a period of (6) consecutive months, while meeting performance standards related to work during peak times, so that the working period - during peak times - is not less than ( 50% of the total time.

Yes, individuals interested in working in this activity can join the program by registering and getting approved in one of the vehicle guidance applications licensed by the General Transport Authority for vehicle guidance activity and qualified for this program. Then, they must obtain a freelance work document through the Freelance Platform freelance.sa and apply for the support program through the electronic services of the Human Resources Development Fund.

The support request is submitted through the electronic services of the HRDF and registration, and then the support request is submitted through the program link.

The program targets: A citizen (male or female) who wishes to provide a passenger transportation service through applications using his own vehicle, by joining the vehicle ride-hailing service providers, provided that he is not currently working in the government or private sectors, or a regular student or retired, and has a commercial register (private work). .

Freelance Support Program (Ride-Hailing) targets workers in the activity of directing passenger vehicles through applications. It is dedicated to full-timers working in this filed and job seekers. It is the result of the cooperation of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, the Public Transport Authority, the Human Resources Development Fund and the Future Work Company. Support is provided by the Human Resources Development Fund as one of the Fund’s initiatives aimed at raising standards of nationalization by covering the need in this activity, and creating new job opportunities according to different work patterns.

Support Mechanism

Monthly Support Payment: A monthly support payment for workers in this activity (directed transport) will be provided at 40% of their total monthly income (based on total income data and the number of trips reported to HRDF by the Future Work Company and derived from the General Transport Authority). The maximum support amount is 2,400 SAR per month. To qualify for the support, workers must commit to working and achieving at least 21 trips per month.

Incentive Support Payment: An incentive support payment of 3,000 SAR is provided every 6 months (March and September) in fixed cycles. This aims to promote job stability and increase productivity for workers in this activity by achieving a total monthly income of at least 5,000 SAR for six consecutive months. Additionally, workers must meet performance criteria related to working during peak hours, with at least 50% of total monthly working hours during the approved peak hours of this program (based on trip verification data and working hours provided in the payment file from the Future Work Company according to the operational data in the "Wasl" platform). as follows:

Sunday to Thursday: from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Friday and Saturday: from 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM.

Support Duration

24 months for all paths of the Freelance Support Product.

Launch Date 08/10/2020
Service delivery channels
Language Arabic
Beneficiary Categories The program includes the citizen (male, female) who wishes to provide a passenger transportation service through applications using his own vehicle by joining the vehicle routing service providers, provided that he is not currently working in the government, private or non-profit sector or regular or retired student or has a commercial registry (Private Work).
Stage duration Immediately
Service cost Free
Payment methods Non

Contact Information
Contact number 8001222030
Email info@hrdf.org.sa

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