Wed 26 Mar 2025
Policy for verifying the seriousness of job seekers

Policy for verifying the seriousness of job seekers

Policy objective

Classifying job seekers into serious and non-serious to direct HRDF recruitment channels' efforts to serve serious job seekers and increase the efficiency of those efforts by excluding non-serious ones.





The Human Resources Development Fund, which was regulated by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (107) dated 29/04/1421 AH.

Recruitment Channels

Units established by HRDF to receive and serve job seekers and take various forms from rehabilitation and employment centers, HRDF branches, national employment offices, electronic platforms, or other entities.


Any project managed by a natural or legal person employing one or more workers, in return for a wage of any kind, within the private or non-profit sector.

Job Seeker

A person who meets the eligibility criteria and wishes to obtain and search for a private sector job, and registered on the electronic platform specified by HRDF, has personally appeared on one of HRDF recruitment channels or his application was received through a transfer from a government agency.


A person who is regular in education at any of the institutions of general or higher education and regular in training at any of the units of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC).

Commercial Activity

The Commercial Activity is:

-        Owning a sole proprietorship or a one-person company to engage in any commercial, industrial, agricultural, service, occupational activity, or similar activity.

-        Obtaining a license to open a store or office to engage in any commercial, industrial, agricultural, service, occupational or other activity.

-        E-commerce - in whole or in part - by electronic means.

-        Participation in a professional company.

Freelance Work

A person who provides his services for his personal account (by hour, day or by work) instead of working on a regular salary basis with the employer.

Flexible Work

Work performed by a part-time worker for one or more employers, with hourly pay calculated, provided that the working hours of the worker for one employer are less than half of the enterprise working hours.


The job seeker fulfilled all the obligations required in this policy.


Scope of Policy 

This policy applies to all job seekers registered with the National Labor Gateway (TAQAT) who want to benefit from the employment services provided by HRDF through the recruitment channels.
Eligibility requirements to be met by jobseekers.
In order for a jobseeker to become eligible for the recruitment services provided by HRDF recruitment channels, jobseeker must meet the following conditions:
1.    To be registered on the electronic platform or as specified by HRDF.
2.    To be a Saudi national.
3.    Must be at least 15 years old and no older than 60 years old.
4.    Not to be on duty.
5.    Not to be a student or trainee in the education or training stages.
6.    Not to have a commercial activity, self-employment activity, nor flexible work activity.
7.    To be serious about looking for work and want to work in the private sector.
8.    To be available for work within a period not exceeding one month from the date of submitting his application.

Job Offer Terms

A job offer shall be appropriate if it meets the following conditions:

1.    The job should be suitable with the qualification level and experience of the jobseeker according to jobs provided by enterprises.
2.    The monthly wage of a jobseeker for work shall not be less than the minimum wage set by HRDF, which shall in any case be not less than SAR 3,000 per month.
3.    In determining the monthly minimum wage, HRDF may take into account the jobseeker qualification, the nature of work being offered and any other criteria that HRDF deems appropriate for this purpose. The salary in the job offer must not be less than SAR 4,000 for holders of diploma (secondary + two years) and above and SAR 3,000 for high school students or its equivalent.
4.    The distance between the place of work and the jobseeker’s place of residence shall not exceed (80 km). HRDF may offer jobs whose place of work is farther away with the approval of the jobseeker.
5.    The job offered to women is in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Regulation of Women's Work Environment.

The provisions of conditions (1,2,3) shall not be considered for the purpose of determining the appropriate job offer in either of the following cases:

1-    If a jobseeker has not previously worked and his academic qualification is a high school diploma or lower.
2-    If the jobseeker rejected two job offers that meet all the conditions described in paragraphs (1,2,3) and four months or more have elapsed since he was registered with HRDF.
In addition, HRDF, at its discretion, may exclude some of these conditions in non-major cities (Riyadh - Jeddah - Dammam).

Jobseeker Obligations

Job seekers wishing to benefit from the recruitment services provided by HRDF recruitment channels must comply with all obligations aimed at helping to get a job, which are as follows:

-    Register and approve the declaration on e-platform.
-    Commit to conducting a visit to the electronic platform once a week and complete the required
tasks as determined by HRDF.
-    Commit to conducting a periodic visit to a recruitment channel once a month or as determined by HRDF.
-    Not fail to attend to receive any qualification, training and employment services more than three times during the period of his joining HRDF services.
-    Not fail to attend the job interview for positions that he was nominated for at enterprises more than three times during the period of his joining HRDF services.
-    Not to reject a job offer, a freelance job opportunity or a flexible job opportunity for more than two times.
-    The number of times he does not respond to HRDF communication on mobile or e-mail registered in the electronic platform, or any other means specified by HRDF should not exceed 3 times.

Consequences of jobseeker’s lack of seriousness 

A jobseeker's non-compliance leads to a warning “notice”.
In the event that a jobseeker receives three consecutive or separate warnings, his access to recruitment services with HRDF shall be suspended in the following cases:

-    If the recruitment channel specified by HRDF is not visited.
-    If the online platform is not visited.
-    In the event of not attending an appointment in a recruitment channel.
-    In case of non-response to HRDF communication.

In the event that a jobseeker receives two successive or separate warnings, his access to recruitment services at HRDF shall be suspended in the following cases:

-    In case of non-acceptance of a job offer, a freelance job opportunity, or a flexible job opportunity.

Duration of Job Seeker's Account Suspension

The suspension of access to recruitment services at HRDF shall be for a full year for those who reach the maximum limit of warnings (three warnings).

  •    Duration of Cancellation of Jobseeker Warnings 

    Warnings given to jobseekers shall be automatically rescinded if he complies with the required obligations within six months of the date of last warning, provided that he has not reached the maximum number of warnings.

    Procedures for filing an objection in case of receiving a warning/exclusion of a jobseeker.
    The warning received by a jobseeker shall be canceled or his account shall be activated if he provides justifications accepted by HRDF at its discretion, within sixty days from the date of applying the warning in accordance with the following procedures:

    1-    A jobseeker visits one of the recruitment channels.
    2-    A job seeker submits an application for revocation of the warning with justification supporting the request.
    3-    HRDF studies the application and notifies the jobseeker of the result within a maximum of 30 days.
    4-    HRDF activates the jobseeker's account if his application is accepted.

Policy Archive: 
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Latest Update : 26 Nov 2024 - 24 Jumada al-awwal 1446 - 9:58 AM Saudi time

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