Sun 20 Oct 2024 17 Rabi' al-thani 1446
competitions and Purchases

About the Tenders and Suppliers Management Portal

This page dedicated to tenders on the Fund's website was created in accordance with the objectives of the Government Tenders and Procurement Law. Its purpose is to regulate procedures related to business and procurement, prevent the exploitation of influence and personal interests, protect public funds, achieve the best value for public money, foster integrity and competition, ensure equality, provide fair treatment to all competitors, and establish the principle of transparency in all the Fund's business and procurement procedures.

To view the tenders and procurements of the Human Resources Development Fund, please follow these steps:

  1. Upcoming Tenders (Planned) for 2024
    1. Access the tenders link on the Etimad platform (click here).
    2. Click on the "Enter Tenders Service" button.
    3. Select the "Search" icon.
    4. Choose the name of the government entity (Human Resources Development Fund).

      For more details, visit the following link (click here).

  2. Current (Open) Tenders
    1. Access the tenders link on the Etimad platform (click here).
    2. Click on the "Enter Tenders Service" button.
    3. Select the "Search" icon.
    4. Choose the name of the government entity (Human Resources Development Fund).

      For more details, visit the following link (click here).

  3. Expired (Previous) Tenders
    1. Access the tenders link on the Etimad platform (click here).
    2. Click on the "Enter Tenders Service" button.
    3. Select the "Search" icon.
    4. Choose the name of the government entity (Human Resources Development Fund).

      For more details, visit the following link (click here).


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