Tue 29 Oct 2024 26 Rabi' al-thani 1446
HRDF Partnerships
The Partnerships page aims to highlight the collaborative efforts led by HRDF with various sectors to enhance its role in the development of human resources in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The page showcases government partnerships, partnerships with the private sector, and partnerships with the civil sector, focusing on the positive impact of each in improving and supporting the development of human capabilities.
Partnerships with Government Authorities 
Government Partnerships Description of Relation
Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) Framing collaboration between SCFHS and HRDF to achieve empowerment, support, and share experiences in different areas of training and promote professional practice tools in health leadership and data integration.
Ministry of Investment

A cooperation to create effective partnerships that serve HRDF and attract investments in the Kingdom, a strategic relationship has been built with the Ministry of Investment through 3 tracks: The marketing track, the investment incentives track, and the investment support track.

Establishing a department that deals with communication with government agencies, relationship management, understanding and strategy of the authorities, and supporting the same to achieve the goals that contribute to creating a career opportunity to serve the sectors.

Ministry of Tourism Training and employment programs that meet the needs of the private sector, providing facilities for localizing jobs in the tourism sector and uniting efforts with the relevant bodies associated with the Ministry to maximize the impact, urging and encouraging enterprises to benefit from the programs and capabilities of the Fund, and cooperating to launch programs and initiatives to support the growth of human capital in the tourism sector.
Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing Supporting the rehabilitation, training, and employment of Saudis of both genders and providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the labor market, in addition to supporting the MOMRAH initiative in the community observer initiative.
Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources Supporting and developing the national workforce in the labor market is a living example of the Fund's new direction in achieving impact and localization of the industry by their nationals.
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) Supporting the communications and information technology sector to achieve Emiratization goals through Tamheer programs and training and employment support programs for the targeted professions.
General Authority of Civil Aviation Support the training, qualification, and employment of Saudis of both genders and provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the needs of the labor market.
Economic Cities and Special Zones Authority (ECZA) Supporting localization, training, and rehabilitation, and working to provide appropriate job opportunities for all enterprises operating in private economic cities for Saudis of both genders.
Diriyah Gate Development Authority Joint strategic cooperation in enabling investors in the Diriyah gate development project to empower nationals of the Kingdom to advance and sustain this vital sector caused the Fund to become a consultant in identifying and monitoring needs and empowering the investor to draw up training and development needs plans.
Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities (APD) Unifying and consolidating efforts between HRDF and APD and supporting APD in the execution of its tasks and competencies, will be beneficial for persons with disabilities ensuring the achievement of national goals that serve their empowerment and integration in society.
Partnerships with the Private Sector
Private Sector Partnerships Description of Relation
The Red Sea Development Company Employment training for Saudis nationals of both genders in favor of the sons and daughters of the civil society to enable the sustainability of employment by providing them with necessary knowledge and skills to keep pace with the labor market needs.
Lucid Motors Develop the human capital by supporting the qualitative training program as the first training partnership in electric cars industry which is supported by HRDF outside the Kingdom. 
Dussur Company Enable the Saudization and make good use of the investments to create various job opportunities, in particular the modern industries such as aircraft structures industry and 3D-printing; the partnership with HRDF is critical to support the industrial investment by Saudi nationals.    
SAMI FIGEAC Co.  Develop the human capital by supporting a training program outside the Kingdom which will provide the project with the qualified national cadres in aircraft structures industry. 
Aramco Company Our partnership with the Fund is old and deep-rooted in supporting national cadres; the new strategy of HRDF has addressed the previous gaps of support by raising the support for training; it will enhance its contribution to the support of qualitative training as well as the training in specialized industries; the adoption of support for professional licenses will make it easier for us to expand it to upgrade and improve skills.
International Maritime Industries Co. International Maritime Industries Co. makes good use of HRDF support of the strategic partnerships institutes through employment training programs in maritime industries professions.
Saudi Digital Academy Participate in supporting the implementation of training programs related to employment in the communications and information technology field, and to employ and confirm them in the private sector after completion of the training period. 
ZADK Culinary Academy Cooperate jointly in the training and development of the national cadres through appropriate training, qualification, and employment. 
Saudia Aerospace Engineering Industries  Cooperate strategically in the training and development of the national cadres in the maintenance of aircraft provide them with the necessary skills and grant them appropriate jobs in aircraft configuration and maintenance field. 
Mukatafa Co.  Enhance cooperation between both parties to develop the private sector through the development of human capital and raise awareness of the companies operating in restaurants and cafes activities, address its challenges, and raise awareness on the Human Resources Development Fund works. 

Civil Sector Partnerships:
A memorandum of cooperation for exchanging experiences and information about current and future initiatives and projects that will achieve the development of human capital. 

Civil Sector Partnerships Description of Relation
 King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies Enhancing cooperation and the exchange of experiences and data, conducting research on the labor market to promote the development of national human capital, developing research and implementing behavioral interventions to align national workforce capabilities with the needs of the private sector, increasing motivation and empowerment for citizens in the labor market, as well as coordinating to build an approach for interaction and communication with stakeholders in the labor market, and exchanging data, information, and reports, including human capital data, in a manner that serves both parties. 

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